
Coming To Running: Getting ready to Run – Assessment (part 2)

Coming To Running: Getting ready to Run – Assessment (part 2) [Coming to Running at 40, 50, 60, 70 years old] We are thinking about running and avoiding the common pitfall of injury. The risk increases with age. The risk increases with posture and body imbalances, and that’s why we considered an assessment before getting

Coming To Running: Getting ready to Run – Assessment (part 2) Read More »

Born to run! – Coming to Running at 40, 50, 60, 70?

Mankind’s destiny Man achieved ascendency on Planet Earth through a big brain. The big brain came from eating meat, which started from the transition from gatherer to hunter. Archaeologists maintain this happened as a result of developing tools from 2.6 million years ago. Paleoanthropologists posit that the transition started earlier through running. Human physiology is

Born to run! – Coming to Running at 40, 50, 60, 70? Read More »